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Beyond Plastics Bonaire Flamingos.png

Beyond Plastics Bonaire

Adaptation and translation of the original Let's Reduce Single-Use Tookit for Accommodation Providers and Tour Operators

WWF Panda Transparent

With support from World Wide Fund for Nature in the Netherlands, Boneiru Duradero has partnered with Travel Without Plastic to develop a series of short online training modules to show you how to reduce plastic and save money.


Plastic pollution has become one of the most urgent environmental issues in the world.

And it’s getting worse. Without a global response, there could be more plastic in the sea than fish by 2050. We need urgent action to stop the plastics crisis and its disastrous consequences for nature, humans, wildlife, tourism and the economy.

Correcting our plastic waste problem requires a mindshift about how plastics are made, used and disposed of.


Boneiru Duradero partnered with Travel Without Plastic to develop a series of short online training modules to show you how to reduce plastic and save money. The e-Learning program was made possible through funding from the World Wide Fund for Nature in the Netherlands (WWF-NL).

"What I liked about working with Jo and Rachel from Travel Without Plastic is that they were very flexible and accommodating to me as the client. The Beyond Plastics Online Learning Module turned out exactly the way I wanted.

TWP offers more than consultancy, they offer a partnership, and they are equally invested in the success of the project. As in all projects, there were some bumps in the road, but Jo and Rachel are solution-oriented and adapt to the challenges they are confronted with… true professionals! "


​Sharon Bol

WWF, Netherlands

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